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“"I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I cannot accept not trying" – Michael Jordan

Spain: Creating a new generation of young entrepreneurs

young entrepreneurs

Creating entrepreneural skills at an early age.

Teen Entrepreneurs Wrap Up

Teen Entrepreneurs

Find your passion!

The 21st Century Student

The 21st Century Student

By being a young entrepreneur your are learning 21st century skills. 

Teen Entrepreneurs: Part One

Teen Entrepreneurs

Teen Entrepreneurs must be passionate and take risk.

The 15 Characteristics of Effective Entrepreneurs

15 Signs You're an Entrepreneur

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

9 year old boy builds an elaborate cardboard arcade.

 9 year old boy builds an elaborate cardboard arcade.

we started the Imagination Foundation & launched a Global Cardboard Challenge

we started the Imagination Foundation & launched a Global Cardboard Challenge 

A Boy and His App: The Story of Yahoo News Digest

App Maker

Creating an app.

How One Teenage Entrepreneur Is Cashing

Teenage Entrepreneur Is Cashing In

Young entrepreneur must be ambitious, creative, and a good heart. 

Kalief Rollins has become the president of his own company

Kalief Rollins has become the president of his own company at only 17 years old

Positive entrepreneur and constantly evolving his skills. 

Teen Entrepreneurs: Part Two

Teen Entrepreneurs

Teamwork is an important skill. 

Teen Entrepreneurs: Part 3

Teen Entrepreneurs

Taking risks. 

Teen Entrepreneur | Remmi Smith

Teen Entrepreneur

As an teen entrepreneur you may partner with a big business. 

20 Under 20 CNBC

20 Under 20 CNBC

Young innovative entrepreneurs. 

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