How to start a Business
“Don’t worry about failure; you only have to be right once.” —Drew Houston
Great site for any entreprenuer because it has most of the resources you need.
El Paso District Office
211 N. Florence Street 2nd Floor, Suite 201
Phone: 915-834-4600
Great site with the latest local resources from SBA.
El Paso District Office
211 N. Florence Street 2nd Floor, Suite 201
Phone: 915-834-4600
Great site with local success stories and provide FREE one-on-one business advising.
El Paso Community College
Administrative Service Center
9050 Viscount Blvd. Building B, Suite B520
El Paso, TX 79925-6511
Phone: 915-831-7743
Provides training and FREE one-on-one business counseling.
10 Civic Center Plaza
El Paso, TX 79901
Phone: 915-538-2489
Great site with local success stories, online resources, and workshops.
2401 E. Missouri Ave.
El Paso, TX 79903
Phone: 915-566-4066
2345 East Nevada Avenue, Ste 101
Las Cruces, NM 88001-3902
(575) 527-7676
(575) 528-7432 Fax
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Great site contains ideas, startup basics, and interesting stories to start a business.
A great website with interesting content to start a business.
Great site it has the latest news and videos on a national level.
A great website with articles relating on starting a business.
A great website with articles relating on startups and industries.
Provides a list of crowdfunding sites.
A great website with articles relating with money, videos, and venture capitalists.
Articles on recruiting and startup help.
Great article on alternatives sites for crafty entrepreneurs.
Nicole Fallon, Business News Daily Managing Editor. "14 Etsy Alternatives for Crafty Entrepreneurs." Business News Daily. N.p., 19 June 2016. Web. 05 July 2017.
Resources for Starting a Small Business
Small Business Loans
City of El Paso – Community and Human Development Department

City County Revolving Loan Fund
Multi-Bank revolving loan fund

Credit Bureau of El Paso

Secretary of State
to Incorporate
1200 S Congress Ave # 1e
Austin, TX 78704
Resources to help you start or expand your business.
Economic Development

Historically Underutilized Business
State of Texas HUB Registration

UTEP Franchise Center Veterans Business Association
Veterans Business Resource